Welcome to The E Club Arcade!
The Arcade collects some of the best Mario and Star Trek games on the web and combines them with a seamless, innovative interface to give you less ads and more fun.
Click on a game's picture below to play; make sure to try them all! Also check out the blog to see tips, hints, updates, and more about the Arcade and its games.
Unfortunately, The E Club Arcade doesn't support mobile devices. To play, come here on a desktop or laptop with Adobe Flash installed.
Super Smash Flash
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Super Mario 63
Mario & Luigi RPG: Wariance
Super Mario Flash
Super Mario Goomba Mode
Super Flash Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. Crossover
Tuper Tario Tros.
Super Mario World Flash (Demo)
Mario Boss Remix
Mario Forever Flash
Paper Mario World 2
Mario Ghosthouse
Old Mario Bros.
New Mario Flash
Super Mario Star Scramble (Series)
Mario Flash 4
Flash Trek: The Romulan Wars